11.1 TV Script Analysis

Game of Thrones EPISODE 1 SCENE 1 & 2

- "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" 
This indicates the medieval setting with the use of the word 'sword' a medieval weapon used for execution. 

- The Starks ride horses and have banners with their logo on them which plays up the setting. This setting tells us this series could be along the lines of adventure/fantasy (the fantasy element coming from 'The Others' whom should have been dead for thousands of years). 

- The language is very northern using slang such as 'em' instead of 'them'. However it is also an old formal giving off the olden day tones and setting "In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon, the first of his name--". 
'Blood sprays the swaying grass' 

- "Mormont said we should track 'em". - Gared
This quote identifies the setting and types of people in this universe using the language alone. Using slang such as 'em' tells the audience this man is not highly educated and he most likely has a northern accent which hints to us the setting. This being said he is in some form of an 'army' base since his group is considered 'rangers', however he didn't need to be from high status if this is the case due to his speech. The leader Ser Waymar doesn't use any slang and he is only 18 showing how his high authority got him the role whereas Gared, although and older and more experienced is just one of Waymars rangers. This is telling us this universe will have a big higher and lower class society that will most likely evolve around people with a lot of power.

- "I, Eddard of the House of Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die". - Ned
This quote shows further the type of universe we are in and that is that men with high authority can sentence people to death without hearing their case or plea. 

The style we are shown from this script is 'gritty' and 'dark'. From the dead children to the be-heading, the script is obviously telling the reader/viewer this will be a very intense series of dank memes.

This is the script for the first 5 minutes for the pilot episode for Game of Thrones. We are introduced to some of the main cast members and their family, what they are like and how the world around them affects their actions. 
The content tells us what kind of world we are in e.g. fantasy via The White Walkers and whether or not this is normal for everyone who lives there (which it is not since The White Walkers have been dead for thousands of years according to Ned Stark).

The set up we are introduced to is a very cold, northern environment with a medieval theme. As we are introduced to the Stark's we are given some quick character development on who they are in this world from the props given and the surrounding area e.g. The flags and banners, the description of Ned as he keeps an eye for ambushes. From this we can gather these people are some form of royalty or high status 

The genre for this show seems to be appear as fantasy/thriller/adventure with the un-dead being the fantasy and thriller element and the 'rangers' giving off an adventure atmosphere as they dwell into the unknown. 

The target audience for the script gives off a 15/18 age rating vibe as the opening scene has dead bodies of women and children laying on the floor cut up into pieces. This automatically tells the viewer/reader this show will not be for the faint hearted and that it will air at a watershed time. There is also be-headings and creepy visuals (The OTHERS/The White Walkers).
Overall the target audience seems to appeal to male adults with the medieval/serious tone and lack of female leads or any females within the first two scenes. Stereotypically males would also be more interested in swords, rangers, the un-dead and medieval themes.

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